Automated best fit solution for assembly process
TORRESBENDER® is an automated best-fit solution to solve the latest demands of the assembly process. Proven technology in a real production environment with impressive results:< /p>
- Flexible systems versus current hard tool systems
- Reduced shim needs.
- Direct online quality control using integrated control software for stress on AC parts and OML aerodynamic tolerances.
Not a single skin (either from the wings or the empennage) has been discarded. All the pieces have been assembled, washing out the gaps between the skins and the skeleton; which has meant a huge reduction in coves.
Importantly, this technology can be integrated into existing programs as it was introduced on the A380 VTP line; where productivity was doubled and the fit was reduced by 4 times.
Online quality control
Control of the airfoil is ensured by checking, online, the actual position of each portion of the skin as it moves towards the body structure (the skeleton).
The suction cups have a geometric reference and can be activated, one by one, or by zones; allowing to adapt the skin to the real outline of the skeleton.
The in-house developed HMI will display the actual position of each cup, and allow local adjustment, where necessary, to ensure there are no gaps between the skin and the skeleton.