MTORRES has developed a software package for the fully automatic assembly of aerospace components. The kernel of the MTorres positioning system, TPS, incorporates a module dedicated to measurement, a route calculation module and a module positioning control.The main objective is to allow the positioning of pieces of any size and shape in space by automatically calculating the trajectories of the elements that support them, and avoiding any deformation during movement.Since the year 2000, has used the TPS successfully in different projects, and it has shown that it provides optimal results in the assembly of different aircraft structures, fuselage parts, wings and stabilizers
In addition, MTorres has also executed numerous projects where the 3D positioning and inspection processes are integrated with spatial calculation software packages on the market (Spatial Analyzer, Polyworks), allowing the implementation of various assembly processes and strategies: metrology-assisted assembly (MAA), Predictive Machining/Shimming, Measurement Aided Determined Assembly (MADA).