Compliance and CSR
As part of its business strategy, MTorres seeks to ensure that the development of its activity generates positive value in society and the habitat around us.
Through these three quantifiable lines of action, we express our commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:Through these three quantifiable lines of action, we express our commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:
More information: @MtorresRsc
PROYECTO 2020.08.ID+I.0042
M TORRES DISEÑOS INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U. ha obtenido una ayuda del Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia (INFO) dentro del PROGRAMA RIS3MUR COVID-19, por el proyecto FABRICACIÓN ADITIVA DE MOLDES PARA COMPONENTES EN MATERIAL COMPUESTO DE GRANDES DIMENSIONES, con una ayuda en forma de subvención de 128,845.40€. Esta actuación está cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y el Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia.
Nuevos materiales acondicionados para laminados infusionables
M.TORRES DISEÑOS INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U. ha contado con una ayuda financiera del Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España 2014-2020 para el desarrollo del proyecto de I+D titulado “NUEVOS MATERIALES ACONDICIONADOS PARA LAMINADOS INFUSIONABLES”.
El proyecto, con número de expediente IDI-20191330, tiene por objetivo desarrollar un nuevo formato de material basado en fibra de carbono y fibra de vidrio en formato seco para la intensificación del uso en procesos de fabricación automatizados de componentes para el sector eólico y otros sectores industriales de gran relevancia como: naval, ferroviario y automoción, asimismo, y para ello se procederá a desarrollar una nueva tecnología de acondicionamiento de fibra para la fabricación de cinta de laminado.
Mejora de la eficiencia energética mediante luminarias LED inteligentes
Proyecto acogido a la línea de ayudas de ahorro y eficiencia energética en PYME y gran empresa del sector industrial, cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), y gestionada por el IDAE con cargo al Fondo Nacional de Eficiencia Energética, con el objetivo de conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible.
- Código de expediente: FN-PGESI-2018-002946
- Inversión total: 109.439,13€
- Importe de la ayuda: 27.717,64€
- Ahorro Energético Final estimado: 18,65 tep/año
Soluciones de mecanizado en húmedo
M. TORRES DISEÑOS INDUSTRIALES, S.A.U. ha contado con una ayuda financiera del Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del programa Operativo Plurirregional de España 2014-2020 para el desarrollo del proyecto de I+D titulado “SOLUCIONES DE MECANIZADO EN HÚMEDO”.
El proyecto, con número de expediente IDI-20200956 tiene por objetivo ampliar el porfolio de MTorres con un nuevo producto que permita el mecanizado tanto de piezas de aluminio como de piezas de fibra (FV y FC) mediante el proceso de mecanizado en húmedo (wet-trimming). El proyecto se ha llevado a cabo en las instalaciones de Torres de Elorz desde el 24/02/2020 hasta el 31/12/2021 con un presupuesto de 232.923 €.
New joints of aeronautical structures
MTORRES INDUSTRIAL DISEÑOS, S.A.U. has received financial aid from the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Spanish Pluriregional Operational Program 2014-2020 for the development of the R&D project entitled “ NEW JOINTS OF AERONAUTICAL STRUCTURES”. The project, with file number IDI-20180754, aims to develop a new modular system for joining aeronautical structures made up of revolver-type blind riveting heads, inserting nuts and collars and sealing, automatic and interchangeable, capable of being incorporated on a robot coupled to a novel mobile robotic platform or on an autonomous platform, capable of working inside aerostructures. This new system will increase flexibility in joining aeronautical structures and reduce process time, with the consequent reduction in costs and increase in quality and repeatability in the execution of the process. As well as greatly increasing the safety and ergonomics of the people involved in the production process.
New smart lighting system
The company MTORRES DISEñOS INDUSTRIALES, SA has been a beneficiary of the aid for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency and the Use of Renewable Energies by companies within the scope of the ERDF 2014/2020 operational program for the Region of Murcia .
File number: 4P18SFE00263
Object: The object of this aid is to increase the energy efficiency of the MTorres plant located in Fuente Álamo by replacing the current lighting with LEDs, as well as installing an intelligent lighting system that allows the expected energy savings to be obtained. This aid is financed by the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and the Environment and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the ERDF 2014/2020 Operational Program of the Region of Murcia with a co-financing rate of 80%.
- Objective of the action: Advance in the evaluation and improvement of the energy efficiency of companies, in particular SMEs.
- Results of the action:
Annual energy savings: 15.17 toe/year
GHG emissions savings: 58.24 tCO2/year
- Processing status: Granted.
- Total investment made: 63,607.71€
- Financial support:
Total grant awarded: 19,082.11€
Financing from the ERDF: 15,265.69€
Percentage of subsidy co-financed by the ERDF: 80%
Smart lighting system
MTORRES DISEñOS INDUSTRIALES, SA has been a beneficiary of the aid for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency and the Use of Renewable Energies by companies within the scope of the ERDF 2014/2020 operational program for the Region of Murcia for the execution of the project entitled INTELLIGENT LIGHTING SYSTEM". The project, with file number 4P17SFE00065, aims to increase the energy efficiency of the MTorres plant located in Fuente Álamo by replacing the current lighting with LEDS, as well as an intelligent lighting system that will allow the expected energy savings to be obtained.
This aid is financed by the Ministry of Employment, Universities and Business and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the ERDF 2014/2020 Operational Program of the Region of Murcia with a co-financing rate of 80% .
- Objective of the action: Advance in the evaluation and improvement of the energy efficiency of companies, in particular SMEs.
- Results of the action:
Annual energy savings: 15.20 toe/year
GHG emissions savings: 58,368 tCO2/year
- Processing status: Granted.
- Total investment made: 55,774€
- Financial support:
Total grant awarded: 16,732.20€
Financing from the ERDF: 13,385.76€
Percentage of subsidy co-financed by the ERDF: 80%
High-speed 3D scanning system for complex surfaces for high-precision, real-time applications
The project “HIGH SPEED 3D DIGITALIZATION SYSTEM OF COMPLEX SURFACES FOR HIGH PRECISION APPLICATIONS IN REAL TIME” with Nº File TSI-100109-2015-5 has been co-financed by the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2013-2016.
Automatic programming tool for surface machining
The project entitled “AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING TOOL FOR SURFACE MACHINING” with Nº File TSI-100109-2016-6 has been co-financed by the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2013-2016.
Carbon fiber automation technologies for strategic sectors
MTORRES INDUSTRIAL DISEÑOS, S.A.U. has received financial aid from the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Pluriregional Operational Program for Intelligent Growth 2014-2020 for the development of the R&D project entitled &ldquo ;CARBON FIBER AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR STRATEGIC SECTORS”. The project, with file number IDI-20150364, aims to develop automated technologies for the manufacture of components for the automotive sector in composite materials based on carbon fiber, reaching the demanded production rates and improving productivity ratios.