
MTorres has an exclusive team dedicated to the development of CAD-CAM applications to optimize the part programming process for different machines. These developments are integrated into Cativ5 and 3DExperience for different types of equipment

  • Torfiber is the application for programming AFP and hybrid machines
  • Torlay is the application for programming ATL and Panex machines
  • Tor3Dmilling is the application for programming surface milling machines

MTorres applications facilitate design for manufacturing with a series of automatic analysis and simulation tools that facilitate part design decisions. It also directly converts the designs into part programs that the machines can execute, regardless of the control or robot chosen.


Main features

  • Single environment for part designers and programmers with automatic toolpath generation.
  • Optimization tools (gap/lap analysis, angle, steering, covering factor, tow usage, productivity…).
  • Simulation of collisions and kinematics of the machine.

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